By: Leni Marlina, S.S.**

About one-and-a-half billion (1,500,000,000) people spoke English at the start of the 21st century. That was one quarter (¼) of all people on earth. More than 400 million (400,000,000) speak English as their first language. The rest speak English as a second or third language for their professional and personal lives. English has been as international language for hundred or years. Now, it has been in schools, sciences, and technologies. Even it is required to get job in this globalization era.

Although we are in a non-English speaking country, of course we can not avoid learning English. You may have tried so hard, you read many English books and you pay a lot of money for learning English but deeply inside you feel you don’t go anywhere. You still can not speak English fluently, still cannot communicate very well with foreigners. Why? Because you learn English only few hours a day, you learn with brain which what you have learnt would stay very shortly in your memory and then fade away.  If you want to speak English well, what should you do to improve your English? It is much better for you to do these 11 smart strategies as below.

  1. 1. “Speak, speak, and speak!”

You should try to speak English as much and as often as possible. You may practice your English alone in front of mirror first (to build your self confidence). Then you should continue speaking English with your family, neighbors, friends, teachers, societies and native speakers. Please speak English to anybody who you think understand English and they like speaking English too. At least you speak English to anybody who wants to support you even though she/he cannot speak English well.

2.    Watch TV and listen to radio!.

Watching TV and listening to radio as well cassettes, especially for English program, will effectively improve your English. You watch News on local channel almost everyday, don’t you? Change it to CNN instead or any English news channels which available in our country. Watching the news is a good way to start, because most of the journalists speak very clearly, without strong accents. You may also watch Talk Shows, Movies, Comedies and Quizzes. In addition you may listen to western music.

If it is possible, “practice with movies!”. This step requires you many DVD movies. Why DVD? You can select language on DVD independently. Before start, you need to choose your favorite accent first. Be careful with this step for learning to speak English. If you like British English accent you have to watch English Movie. If you like American accent which is much easier to find you just pick American accent movie. After you’ve chosen then start watching it and exactly repeat what you hear. If you don’t know any words you may turn subtitle on so you can know what actors/ actress actually says.

  1. 3. “Read, read, and read!”

The more you read the better your English will be. Through reading you acquire new vocabularies without even realizing. You may read books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Reading books is a good way to improve your English. When reading, read them aloud, so you can practice your pronunciation. Remember that books are, maybe, the best teachers you’ll ever get! They give you new vocabulary, practice your grammar (since you see a lot of sentences, this helps you to memorize the rules) and give you more control of the language. Get a bunch of books written for young people. They use to be in plain English and it’s a good way to start, before reading any more complex books.

If you like reading local newspapers, add your collection now with English newspapers. If it is possible, stop reading local newspapers. You should change them into any English one until several months.

4.    Write in English!

You should start writing your note in English. You usually note anything in your own language but from now on, no more. Write it down in English even it is probably wrong. Try to create your schedules and make the lists in English. Please write your daily activities in English. Please write your dairy in English. Please keep writing in English everyday although you write one new sentence only. Just ignore and keep doing it, you’ll get more experience and be easier soon.

5.   Think in English!

Many languages have similar rules, but remember: When learning a language, use translation only in the beginning! If you use translation a lot, this might become an addiction, which won’t let you to think in English. Thinking in the language is mandatory, after a certain point.

There is no exception in your mind, you have to think English! I repeat, think everything in English! This may be frustrated in the beginning but will be easier eventually. Believe me, I’ve done it before. This is very hard way to learn to speak English but extremely work.

6.   Consider the grammar!

Grammar is important, but the only way to fix all those rules in your mind is through conversation. Don’t ever forget it! If you enjoy memorizing grammar, and you don’t fell annoyed in speaking, just keep doing it. Id you fell annoyed, forget the grammar first, you say what you want to say in your daily life. When you have been brave enough in speaking English, consider your grammar to be more self confident in speaking English.

7.   Use dictionary!

A bilingual dictionary in the beginning and an English-English dictionary further on. The thick dictionaries are usually used at home or at campus. It is better for you to have the pocket dictionary too. So, wherever you go you may bring it in your pocket or bag. Whenever you need new vocabularies, you may open it.

8.   Don’t wait, don’t postpone, practice right now!

“Don’t wait until tomorrow!” If you have a chance to speak English do it soon. Learning English requires a lot of practice, so practice it as soon possible and as often as possible! Try borrowing some books from a friend and try to talk with your friends that have better skills than you do in English, even if you’re in a country which the native language is not English.

9.  Keep practicing!

Learning English requires a lot of practice and determination, so don’t try to learn everything at once, but don’t ever give up! Keep trying and you’ll be able to learn! “Practice makes you perfect!”

10. Join English club, spoken English activities, and English games!

You should join English club. If there is no English club, you establish your own club and invite other friends to join it. You can share each others about your experience in speaking English. You can help each other in improving your English. You may hold spoken English activities with friends, such as debate, singing, story telling, reading news, reading poem and drama. Besides, there are various English games available nowadays whether conventional or modern. You also may use them to motivate you in studying English.

11. Try to be creative and innovative!

You may find or create your own activity or strategy to study English easier. You may use your own strategies to increase your English ability. Don’t depend much on people’s support. You are the best supporter for your self. If you are bored, try to tell a joke, do the puzzle, or other English activities you interested in.

12. Keep praying!

“Ask God’s help by being patient and praying”

“In any difficulty, there is solution, in any solution there is difficulty”. God bless you.

* The paper is delivered in the program of “ISSUe For-Me” by the students of Economic Faculty UNP (November 24th 2007).

** She is lecturer at English Department  FBBS UNP.

67 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Thanks a lot for your advice..
    I will try to do it…
    Would you mind visiting and giving comment to my blog ????

  2. 2

    Nurul Huda said,

    Assalmualaikum wr wb

    I like your blog in addition it has green color. I like green…



    This article is usefull. I just have got valuable information about learning english in smart way.

    One think that im curious about is that how could you did all those things.
    How could you convince yourself to be confidence in doing those steps?
    How to make it as dialy activity?

    I was wondering if you’d mind giving me advice not to be mind doing different things in order to be master in English.

    thanks a milion..

    You could see my blog at
    Nurul Huda is one of Ms Lina students at K- 4 class

  3. 3

    Dear Mom,
    I have read your article about SMART WAYS TO BE BETTER IN LEARNING ENGLISH.But I just scan the headline of it.May be I will read it again tomorrow.I don’t have enough time for reading it today.
    Don’t forget to visit my blog at
    Thanks mom..

  4. 4

    Mom I think that a good article.It can be motivation for me to make my english better.Don’t forget to visit my blog at
    thanks mom.

    nb:mom,fitri ramadhani lukman and I is from K4

  5. 5

    I’m very interested with your writing. I have tried some of your tips and success but I have trouble with speaking English because I afraid wrong. I know if I don’t try I never know as long as I can…

    Would you mind visiting and giving your comment in my Blog ?

  6. 6

    ziamalina said,

    Assalamu’alaikum mam_

    I have read your post about SMART WAYS TO BE BETTER IN LEARNING ENGLISH, and at the moment I learn English by watching Cartoons movie, beside the pronunciation, their spoken English is quite easy to catch and I always try to repeat what I heard. it means that I have done your 2nd strategy…

    I also read English magazine at home, if there are difficult word, I write it in my note book and fine the meaning. beside that, i read comic in English too in the internet, reading English comics gives me some idioms, phrases and new vocab too…

    if I can do it regularly, I will begin to write a diary in English, than I usually think in English-when I have a problems, I express it by talking to my self in English and I used to write a poem in English.

    —I will practice English more and more than before…..

    thx 4 ur post Mam…

    visit my blog:

    wassalam ^_^v

  7. 7

    ziamalina said,

    may I share something Mam, if the obstacle when learning English is psychological problem – I feel down when there is a friend who more active than me, I ever try to speak-up too, but suddenly I became nervous under my control.
    is it normal?

  8. 8

    wina trisna said,

    I have tried those strategies, as a result I can speak more than before when I was at High School.,

    But I’m still unsatisfied, I have to hardwork to can speak English fluently as native speaker,.

    I love learning English very much,.

    Note ;
    Please comment in my blog, miss, at,.

  9. 9

    hi miss….!!!!!
    i agree with you,,because i think English is a very important aspect to communicate in this globalization era..
    maybe today if we don’t know anything about English,,we can’t share with the people all over the world..
    Learning English will be easy if we do it seriously..
    Your article’s so interesting,,easy to understand ^-^

    Miss,,would you mind if you give a short comment on my blog???
    please visit :
    thanks before miss ^-^

  10. 10

    Nofita sari said,

    ASW Mam…..
    Your article is very useful for me..
    I will try it soon,,,.
    I hope,I’ll be good in English,,

  11. 11

    Vany Syarrah said,

    your article really motivated me to improve my english,

    please visit my blog mom, at :

  12. 12

    i’m sure that your article can make increase my knowledge ,

    please visit my blog mom, at :

  13. 13

    i’m sure that your motivating very useful for me . this is my blog mom : . please visit mom.

  14. 14

    I’ll try Miss,..

    that article useful and important for us as a student at English Department,.

  15. 15

    Monalisa said,

    Ass.. Mrs Lina. I agree with your article, it good to our read. I will try 11 smart strategies in your article. I think 11 smart strategies are good to our to do.
    Please visit my blog and give your comment at
    Thanks Mrs Lina. Wassalam

  16. 16

    good afternoon ma’am…

    i like your article, and actually i’ve tried to do some of your tips…

    but i got some problem..
    when i have an idea, i got some nervous to write it down, because i don’t know what i have to write first…

    and i just “write” it in my mind…
    do you have any suggestion ma’am???

    thanks ma’am….

  17. 17

    Yes,we know that we are not in english goverment,but we are in globalization this day,and english is one of the most important aspec there.of course.
    Agree with you,we have to learning hard,we need to practice,practice,and of the keys is believe that you can. .

    By:kuntum alma lany/k4(12242)

    please visit me

  18. 18

    Susi Swanti said,

    Assalamu’alikm Wr Wb

    I’m with You about your article.
    This article have more information about improving english which can help me.
    I have a idea, speak with foreigner who came in our country also can be improve our pronunciation. so we can practice our english not only with indonesian.
    But, one problem for me that I have habit about lazy to read.
    So could you help me to avoid the bad habit from me..?
    I really need your advice.
    Please visit my blog and give your comments.
    Thanks Mam….

    Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb

  19. 19

    After l read your posting l think it`s very interesting and give me some lesson how to better in learning English l agree with your statement because if we want to speak English very well we must to try and don`t forget practice English.And also we have read a lot. thanks ya mom your statement very help me and needed.l will to try practice.

  20. 20

    After l read your posting l think it`s very interesting and give me some lesson how to better in learning English l agree with your statement because if we want to speak English very well we must to try and don`t forget practice English.And also we have read a lot. thanks ya mom your statement very help me and needed.l will to try practice.
    mom please your visit my blog

  21. 21

    so far………so good………

    By: Nastiti Kharisma K4
    NIM : 96468
    Please visit my blog :

  22. 22

    eva naziah said,

    aslkm miss, my english is very bad. i’ll 2 try ur smart strategies. n could u open my blog n please give coment. tq b4 that

  23. 23

    your article is very useful for us in the first grade,in this college.
    i’ll try all of your advice.

    but i think, i’m a bad writer …. so i want to keep try write and write

    maybe, i need to read more,because we can’t be a good teacher without reading activity

    thank for your advice,i’ll applicate it in my study……i’m sorry if my grammar bad


    from: Febrian D’Gumanti


  24. 24

    Risda Asfina

    first of all, thanks to have shared your ideas about SMART WAYS TO BE BETTER IN LEARNING ENGLISH…
    that’s a nice lesson…
    it’s so helpful that i get interested in doing those ways.
    but, of course to do those ways, sometimes we have several difficulties. We have to keep struggling and never give up.
    Hmm, i think i have an idea about it. before doing all of those ways, what we must have is a good intention.

    Ok, i’d be so glad if you visit my blog at “”

  25. 25

    Simple Boy said,

    Miss Lina, I’ M Benni Satria, student of 3th english education class. Could U visit my blog at
    Your writing is wonderful miss, I’M going to try it..

  26. 26

    hello mom..nice to see you..
    i like your’s can help us to understand how to be a good person in English..
    as we know that, there are so many country use English is an international we must be able to speak in this it right???

    then,we need some advice from you mom..sometimes,we have not an ability to speak with other..we have not an ability to give an argument..we only save it in mind..without say anything..and the question…how to built a good self confident????

    hhmm…i hope we can meet again in the next semester..thanks mom!!!!

  27. 27

    I really your article miss…Every point has its own explanation and your article is easy to understand. Do not put of till tomorrow what you can do today.I really want to find a native speaker to speak English to Miss..However I haven’t found one yet!You are right,watching western movies can improve our English and broaden our knowledge morever it is enjoyable isn’t it? I hope we can meet again in the next semester because i like being taught by you. By the way,we can lend our movies each other if you want to. Because i like watching western movies very much and i like reading too. My favourite authors are Mira W,RL. Stine,S Mara GD,Stephen King,AND Habiburrahman El Sirazzi. i don’t buy their novels,i just download them.Keep studying and praying to Allah.I will wait for your next article miss…
    would you like to visit to my blog in

  28. 28

    assalamu’alaikum,, mum..
    It’s me ririn.. (^_^)”

    thanks a lot mum,, you have given too much inspiration in my life..
    I want to be a teacher in the future.. so,, I must study hard to get the better one..

    mum,, would you mind it if you visiting my blog in http:/ ?

    thanks mum

  29. 29

    I’ve tried some of strategies above.
    I like watching Hollywood film and listening western song.
    But, I get difficult to practice speaking English in front of people.
    By the way, would you mind visiting my blog?

  30. 30

    Lisa Rahayu said,

    I think this article is really helping. Sometimes, as many English students in Indonesia, I feel confused about learning English. I really want to improve my English, but the problem is : It’s easy for me to think that I will not be able to speak English better than a native speaker does. However, English is not my first language. But, i will try to do those steps above, and hope that soon or later, i will be better in speaking English,more than a native speaker.

  31. 31

    Lisa Rahayu said,

    Please visit my blog at
    Thanks before….

  32. 32

    Putri Aorora said,


    I’m so interested with your writing. I wanna be like yours.
    Actually, i feel confused about learning english. I wanna improve my skill in english.
    and I think, your article give motivation for me. I will try to do your suggestions about learning english.

    Thank you Mom….

  33. 33

    Putri Aorora said,


    I’m so interested with your writing. I wanna be like yours.
    Actually, i feel confused about learning english. I wanna improve my skill in english.
    and I think, your article give motivation for me. I will try to do your suggestions about learning english.

    Thank you Mom….

    Btw, could you visit my blog Mom???…. dont forget mom…

  34. 34

    vira hidayani said,

    Your article is so inspiring me.. It makes me being motivated.. I want to be good at English as a real native speaker.. I will try the steps above in my learning English..

    Could you please visit my blog at
    I think my article is far from perfect. So, I need your help in improving my English..
    Thanks before..

  35. 35

    Hi Ms Lina…
    I like to read your article,, it’s very interesting for me..
    Your article try to persuade people to speak English in thier daily life..

    I hope so..
    Minang’s people can speak English in thier daily life without leave their own language..

    Thanks Miss.. I’ll study hard to improve my skill in English with your instructions..

    Don’t forget to visit my site at
    see ya miss ^^

  36. 36

    i think it is helpfull miss…
    i have try it, and i feel my english improve to be better than before…

    please visit ny blog at miss….and please leave comment…
    thank’s before…….

  37. 37

    assLkum miss…
    i’m going to do your strategies mam…
    because i wanna improve my English…
    i will do my best mam…

    thank you mam…
    please visit my blog mam…

  38. 38

    Rahmi Rahayu said,

    assalamuallaikum miss….

    I’m Rahmi Rahayu,your student

    I’m so fascinating with your posting

    I’m agree with your tips “SMART WAYS TO BE BETTER IN LEARNING ENGLISH”

    I want to practice it to improve my english skill will be better than before

    would you mind to visit my blog at :

    thanks before


  39. 39

    yulia said,

    thank you so much miss,,,,

    now i become know how the way train my english to be better…

    i will try it miss…

  40. 40

    Fen said,

    Mantap buk dosen. Baa kaba kini tu.

  41. 41

    Mesya said,

    Your writing is good. I love reading it.

  42. 43

    Lady said,

    I agree with your content of writing. Thank you for your tips

  43. 44

    hanif said,

    I like reading your article. It’s inspiring.

  44. 45

    Rahmi Fadilah said,

    assalamualaikum.. Mam…
    wow.. That’s good idea for be better in learning english..

    I think, I have many problem with my english…
    with this writing,, I’ll follow that way to make my english better than before

    thank you mam…
    I’ll try to do it step by step…..


  45. 46

    Anna Kurnis said,

    That’s a good trick mam . . .

    I want to ask something . . . may we use “etc” in a formal text ??

    Thanks before

  46. 47

    Rani Pratiwi said,

    I really thanks to Allah because i can read your smart way in English Mam.
    After i read this, i will try to speak in front of the mirror. My English skill is still far from good, but i believe if i keep practice English with my friend who interest in English, my English skill can be better.
    I hope Allah help me to be better in my life.
    Love, Rani Pratiwi

  47. 48

    Fauziatul fitriani said,

    Assalamu’alaikum w.w
    thanks about your article mom,,,,,
    I want to try to do it.
    But mom… I think I have much problem about English….!!!!!!!
    Mom….. I very like English and I want to speak English well. I want to be like you mom. Smart and can speak English well.

  48. 49

    Anna Kurnia said,

    Hai mam . . .
    Please visit my blog at

    Thankyou mam . . .

  49. 50

    Siska Meilani 18240/K 4/2010 said,

    Hai mam…

    I’ve read your post, i really agree with your trick mam, I’ll practice it all in my daily with my classmate .

    Please visit my blog at

    Thank you mam…

    Love u ..

  50. 51

    Adriani Triharry Rosemerry said,

    Mam, your tips so inspiring me. 🙂
    i am going to try that step
    thanks mam.

  51. 52

    Marliza Nurhayati said,

    wooww….. that’s really great mam.. i’ll effort to practice it every day to improve my English to be better. 🙂

    o yeah mam,, don’t forget to visit my blog

  52. 53

    rahma fitrina said,

    Assalamualaikum mom..

    I’m Rahma your student from K4-10

    I like your blog. This blog gives me support to always practice my English because I am easy to feel inferior mom… After reading this article I hope I can improve my way to learn English to be better.

    If you don’t mind, please visit my blog

  53. 54

    Rani pratiwi said,

    Mom, please visit my blog at

    Thanks Mom

  54. 55

    Khaira Wahyuni said,

    I like your article, Ma’am. If we really want to learn English and want to master it, we must practice English a lot in our daily activities.
    Maybe, one of the problems that we have in practicing English is there are so many people who jeer us when they hear us speaking English. But we may not make it as an obstacle. Just keep doing our best.

    Thank you

    Khaira Wahyuni
    K4-10 (please visit my blog, Ma’am)

  55. 56

    Asnah said,


    It’s really nice to be one of your follower. thanks for asking us to create a blog

    ma’am, it’s a great idea because not many of us realize that blog can open the

    new world. Next, i love your writing, it’s very useful for us. Even though we

    know that English is a foreign language for us, but it is an international language

    and everybody use it everywhere.

    your writing is lesson for us. I’ll keep study and practice. thanks for all ma’am.

    Asnah, k-4/10/17382

    please visit my blog at

  56. 57

    yulia wulandari said,


    i like your ways ma’am, i will try to improve my english skill, thanks ma,am and would you mind to visit my blog at ??

    thank you ma’am.

    yulia wulandari


  57. 58

    Asnah said,


    It’s really nice to be one of your follower. thanks for asking us to create a blog ma’am, it’s a great idea because not many of us realize that blog can open the new world. Next, i love your writing, it’s very useful for us. Even though we know that English is a foreign language for us, but it is an international language and everybody use it everywhere.
    Your writing is lesson for us. I’ll keep study and practice. thanks for all ma’am.

    Asnah, k-4/10/17382

    please visit my blog at

  58. 59

    Yolanda Fatmasari said,


    Would you mind visiting and giving comment to my blog ????

    thank you..

  59. 60

    Assalamu’alaikum.. Mam.. ^_^
    Waw… that’s interesting article..
    I’ll try it to improve my english.

    please visit my blog mam..

  60. 61

    fauziatu lfitriani said,

    Assalamu’alaikum mom…..
    Thanks a lot for your advice mom…..
    I think it is very amazing for me to learn with easy…..
    mom….. I hope I can to be like you mom…..
    can speak English well.
    And my parent proud of me.
    Thanks about all mam….
    mom please visit my blog mam… and I so sorry mam if I have a mistake in my blog.

    • 62

      fauziatul fitriani said,

      Assalamu’alaikum mom…..
      Thanks a lot for your advice mom…..
      I think it is very amazing for me to learn with easy…..
      mom….. I hope I can to be like you mom…..
      can speak English well.
      And my parent proud of me.
      Thanks about all mam….
      mom please visit my blog mam… and I so sorry mam if I have a mistake in my blog.

  61. 63

    fauziatu lfitriani said,

    Assalamu’alaikum mom…..
    Thanks a lot for your advice mom…..
    I think it is very amazing for me to learn with easy…..
    mom….. I hope I can to be like you mom…..
    can speak English well.
    And my parent proud of me.
    Thanks about all mam….
    mom please visit my blog mam… and I so sorry mam if I have a mistake in my blog.
    assalamu’laikum mom…….

  62. 64

    fauziatu lfitriani said,

    ehhh….. sorry mom not

  63. 65

    Mella Nurwinta

    Assalamualaikum mam…

    it’s very useful .. it can improve my English..

    I will try to do your advice about learning English..
    I think I have problem with my self confidence, I am shy to speak English in front of people. After I read your posting, I will try to practice my English alone in front of mirror first, and I hope it can built my self confidence.

    would you mind visiting and giving comment in my blog??

    thanks before

  64. 66

    yunisa rahmi k4 10 said,

    you give the good ways for us mom. I’m sure that if we do the ways and never give up,we can improve our ability about learning English more better…
    and because this semester will be and,i wan to thanks to you for all that you give in my class,those are very useful for us..
    i hope God always give the health for you,in order to you always can teach in your class…

  65. 67

    Kurshiah Azizah said,

    assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

    I’m challenged of your article because English is not easy for me to learn fluently. I have many problem in learning English such as writing, speaking, and listening. I want to studyhard. But, I get the point that one important is don’t forget to pray to Allah. The good result is not only from our self to studyhard, but also from another, especially from our God, Allah SWT. I hope I’ll always try these way to improve my English.

    Thanks mam,
    your student 2010..
    please, comment my blog in


    Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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